Pacific Ropes Latest Blog

Is Rope Access a Good Career Choice?

Written by Jemia | February 16,2018

Rope Access can be described as an adventure, a skill, and an experience. But is it a viable career choice for you? In this article, we present a comprehensive checklist to help you assess if a career in rope access is the right fit for you, while also setting realistic expectations for life as a rope access technician.

The Checklist

  1. Respectful Fear of Heights:

You might assume that a "no" answer is ideal, but having a healthy dose of respect for heights can be beneficial. Fear encourages vigilance, which is essential when working at great heights, ensuring the safety of both you and your team.

  1. Additional Skills and Certifications:

Completing your Level 1 rope access certification is just the beginning. Your ability to secure meaningful work within the industry largely depends on other skills and trade certifications you possess. Consider how you can bring additional value to potential employers, making yourself stand out in a competitive field.

  1. Comfort with Variable Income:

In rope access, job stability isn't always guaranteed. Work can be project-based, seasonal depending on location, and external factors can lead to unforeseen interruptions. Being prepared for irregular income and wisely managing your finances would be an asset. 

  1. Willingness to Embrace Remote Locations:

Some Rope access jobs often takes you to remote areas, far from the comforts of home. Being prepared to live and work in these conditions is a crucial aspect of the job. It might mean missing personal events and committing to swift mobilization when opportunities arise. 

  1. Adaptability to Challenging Environments:

Expect to work in conditions that are anything but pristine. Rope access jobs often involve working outdoors, and you may find yourself contending with variable weather conditions. Are you resilient enough to endure such physical challenges?

  1. Team Player Mentality:

Rope access revolves around teamwork. Your colleagues are your lifeline, ensuring your safety and success on the job. Clear communication, active listening, and a "get-it-done" attitude are all essential for effective teamwork. Being dependable is key: for safety, staying on schedule, and a successful group dynamic. 

  1. Quick Thinking and Adaptability:

In the ever-evolving world of rope access, circumstances can change rapidly. Are you capable of thinking on your feet, adapting to unexpected challenges, and maintaining flexibility in your approach?

  1. Understanding the Bigger Picture:

While meticulous attention to detail is important, it's equally critical to keep the bigger picture in mind. Understanding how your role fits into the broader context of a project will help you navigate complex situations and remain adaptable.



If you find yourself answering "yes" to around 85% of these checklist questions, you might be well-suited for a career in rope access. However, remember that rope access is a dynamic field, and ongoing learning and adaptation are essential for success.


Learn More at our Training Center

We provide a Rope Access Awareness Course every Monday, designed to introduce you to the physical demands and fundamental aspects of Rope Access. Should you decide to enroll for the entire week, the cost of the introductory course will be pro-rated and applied towards the total session cost.